Cats Guru, Neutering Cats – Neutering Cats is sometimes inevitable for economical and environmental reasons. Cats make excellent mothers, but having too many litters may have a detrimental affect on a female’s health. It will also contribute to the ever-increasing kitten population.
Every year thousands of unwanted kittens end up in rescue centres or become strays, abandoned by owners who had never had their cats neutered and then find they cannot cope with the extra feline mouths, nor the responsibility of finding homes for the kittens.
This is why all non-pedigree kittens and cats should be neutered — to prevent unwanted pregnancies and unwanted kittens. The exception is if you intend to breed saleable pedigree offspring.
For a female cat, neutering involves abdominal surgery, under general anaesthetic, in which the uterus and ovaries are removed.
I’ve been told that it is cruel to have my kitten spayed without allowing her to have one litter. Is it true?
No, it’s a myth. In fact, females that have had a litter before being spayed often remain broody for the rest of their lives. Don’t forget you will also have to find homes for her kittens as well.
My five-month-old female is spraying around the house. I’m surprised, I thought only unneutered males did this?
No, females spray as well, although to a lesser extent, when they are in season.
I’ve just found a young female stray. How can I tell if she’s been spayed?
Take her to your vet, who may be able to feel the operation scar on her side. If necessary, you should ask the vet to neuter the cat.nless you plan to breed from your cat, you should have it neutered. This safe, painless operation is carried out under general anaesthetic. In females, it is known as spaying and involves the removal of the ovaries and the uterus. In males, it is known as castrating, and involves the removal of the testicles.
Timing of Neutering Cats
Both male and female cats are usually neutered at around six to eight months, or when their genitalia are fully developed. It is important not to neuter your cat too young, before its endocrine system is developed, or it may experience hormonal problems.
Procedure Neutering Cats
Because a general anaesthetic needs to be given, your vet will ask you not to give any food or water to your pet 12 hours before admission. You will normally collect your cat at the end of the same day. Spaying is a more complicated operation than castrating, as a small incision has to be made in the cat’s abdomen.
- Cats (especially males) recover very quickly. Females may need 24 hours to convalesce. Make sure your pet has peace and quiet, its favourite food and lots of love. Because most vets use stitches that dissolve, you will not have to take your pet back to the surgery.
- In males, castrating stops the unpleasant habit of spraying pungent urine everywhere and reduces fighting and straying.
- Cats that have been neutered generally become more affectionate towards their owners and much easier to handle than they were before.
- Contraception is available for cats, but it has side-effects. It is used occasionally for pedigrees and for precocious kittens.