Why Doesn’t My Cat Purr – Do you have a cat that never purrs? Do you wonder why your cat doesn’t purr when you pet him, feed him, or cuddle with him? Do you feel like your cat doesn’t love you or appreciate you? If you answered yes to any of these questions, don’t worry. You are not alone. Many cat owners have the same dilemma and curiosity about their silent feline.
In this article, we will try to solve the mystery behind why your cat doesn’t purr and what it means for your relationship with your furry friend.
What is purring?
Purring is a sound that cats make when they are content and relaxed. It is a sign of happiness and affection that indicates a strong and healthy bond. Purring is produced when the cat is both inhaling and exhaling. The sound is created by the vibration of the vocal cords and the air passing through them. Domestic cats purr at a frequency of 25 to 150 vibrations per second.
Purring is not exclusive to domestic cats. Other members of the cat family, such as the bobcat, cheetah, lynx, and puma, also purr. However, there is some debate over whether the big cats, such as the tiger, lion, and leopard, also purr. Some experts say they do, while others say they don’t.
Purring has many benefits for cats and humans. Purring can lower blood pressure, reduce stress, heal wounds, and strengthen bones and muscles. Purring can also release endorphins, which are natural painkillers and mood enhancers. Purring can also help cats communicate with each other and with humans.
Why do cats purr?
Cats purr for various reasons, but the main ones are:
- To express happiness and satisfaction
- To show affection and trust
- To seek attention and comfort
- To self-soothe and heal
Let’s look at each of these reasons in more detail.
To express happiness and satisfaction
Cats purr when they are happy and satisfied with their environment and their companions. They purr when they are being petted, fed, or cuddled. They purr when they are playing, sleeping, or grooming. They purr when they are in a good mood and enjoying life.
By purring, cats are telling you that they are happy and grateful for your presence and care. They are also telling you that they are comfortable and relaxed with you. They are sharing their joy and happiness with you.
To show affection and trust
Cats purr when they want to show their affection and trust to you and other cats. They purr when they greet you, rub against you, or snuggle with you. They purr when they headbutt you, lick you, or groom you. They purr when they want to bond and maintain relationships with you and other cats.
By purring, cats are telling you that they love you and trust you. They are also telling you that they consider you as part of their family and their territory. They are marking you with their scent and creating a mutual smell with you.
To seek attention and comfort
Cats purr when they want to seek your attention and comfort. They purr when they want to play, cuddle, or get some treats. They purr when they want you to stop doing something, like working on your laptop or talking on the phone. They purr when they want you to notice them and interact with them.
By purring, cats are telling you that they are curious and intelligent. They are also telling you that they have needs and desires that they want you to fulfill. They are trying to get your attention and communicate with you.
To self-soothe and heal
Cats purr when they are stressed, in pain, or sick. They purr when they are scared, anxious, or lonely. They purr when they are injured, ill, or dying. They purr when they need to calm themselves and cope with their situation.
By purring, cats are telling you that they are not feeling well and need your help. They are also telling you that they are trying to heal themselves and survive. They are using their purr as a natural remedy and a coping mechanism.
Why doesn’t my cat purr?
Now that you know why cats purr, you may wonder why your cat doesn’t purr. There are several possible reasons why your cat doesn’t purr, such as:
- Your cat has a different way of expressing himself
- Your cat’s purr is too soft to hear
- Your cat has a problem with his vocal cords or respiratory system
- Your cat is unhappy or unwell
Let’s look at each of these reasons in more detail.
Your cat has a different way of expressing himself
Your cat may not purr because he has a different way of expressing himself. Just like humans, cats have different personalities and preferences. Some cats are more vocal than others, while some cats are more silent. Some cats prefer to use body language or facial expressions, while some cats prefer to use sounds or scents.
By not purring, your cat is not saying that he doesn’t love you or appreciate you. He is just saying that he has a different way of showing his feelings and communicating with you. He may show his affection and trust by rubbing against you, licking you, or grooming you. He may show his happiness and satisfaction by sleeping next to you, playing with you, or following you around. He may show his curiosity and intelligence by watching you, exploring your house, or learning new tricks.
Your cat’s purr is too soft to hear
Your cat may not purr because his purr is too soft to hear. Some cats have a louder purr than others, while some cats have a quieter purr. Some cats have a high-pitched purr, while some cats have a low-pitched purr. Some cats have a constant purr, while some cats have an intermittent purr.
By not purring, your cat is not saying that he is unhappy or unwell. He is just saying that his purr is not audible to you. He may still be purring, but you may not be able to hear it. You may need to listen more closely, or feel his chest or throat for vibrations. You may also need to pay attention to his other signs of happiness and satisfaction, such as his body language or facial expressions.
Your cat has a problem with his vocal cords or respiratory system
Your cat may not purr because he has a problem with his vocal cords or respiratory system. Some cats may have a defect or a damage in their vocal cords or respiratory system that prevents them from purring. This may be due to a genetic condition, an injury, an infection, or a disease.
By not purring, your cat is not saying that he is unhappy or unwell. He is just saying that he is unable to purr. He may still be happy and satisfied, but he may not be able to express it through purring. He may still show his affection and trust through other ways, such as his body language or facial expressions.
Your cat is unhappy or unwell
Your cat may not purr because he is unhappy or unwell. Some cats may stop purring when they are stressed, in pain, or sick. This may be due to a change in their environment, a loss of a companion, a lack of attention, or a medical condition.
By not purring, your cat is saying that he is not feeling well and needs your help. He may be trying to tell you that he is unhappy or unwell, and that he needs your care and comfort. He may need you to check on him, take him to the vet, or give him some extra love and attention.
How to make your cat purr
Now that you know why your cat doesn’t purr, you may wonder how to make your cat purr. There are several ways to make your cat purr, such as:
- Petting your cat gently on his head, cheeks, and chin
- Talking to your cat softly and sweetly
- Giving your cat some treats or toys
- Playing with your cat or cuddling with him
- Avoiding pushing your cat away or scolding him
By doing these things, you will make your cat feel happy and loved. You will also strengthen your bond and trust with your cat and enjoy a harmonious and fulfilling relationship.
Purring is a sound that cats make when they are content and relaxed. It is a sign of happiness and affection that indicates a strong and healthy bond. However, not all cats purr, and there are several possible reasons why your cat doesn’t purr. Your cat may have a different way of expressing himself, a soft purr that you can’t hear, a problem with his vocal cords or respiratory system, or he may be unhappy or unwell.
By understanding why your cat doesn’t purr, you can better appreciate your cat’s personality and preferences. You can also try to make your cat purr by giving him some attention and affection, or by helping him with his health and well-being. You can also look for other signs of happiness and satisfaction, such as his body language or facial expressions.
Remember, your cat doesn’t have to purr to love you or appreciate you. He may have other ways of showing his feelings and communicating with you. As long as you respect and care for your cat, you will have a wonderful and rewarding relationship with your silent feline.
Here are some frequently asked questions about cat purring:
Can I teach my cat to purr?
You can’t teach your cat to purr, as purring is a natural and instinctive behavior that cats have since they are kittens. However, you can encourage your cat to purr by providing him with a positive and stimulating environment, and by giving him some attention and affection. You can also try to find out what makes your cat happy and satisfied, and do more of that.
How can I tell if my cat is happy or unhappy?
You can tell if your cat is happy or unhappy by looking at his body language and facial expressions. A happy cat will have relaxed ears, eyes, and whiskers, and a curved or upright tail. A happy cat will also rub against you, knead you, or groom you. An unhappy cat will have flattened ears, narrowed eyes, and tense whiskers, and a tucked or flicking tail. An unhappy cat will also hiss, growl, or scratch you.
How can I help my cat if he is unhappy or unwell?
You can help your cat if he is unhappy or unwell by finding out the cause of his problem and addressing it accordingly. You can also take him to the vet for a check-up and treatment, or give him some medication or supplements. You can also provide him with some extra love and attention, or some comfort items, such as a blanket, a toy, or a catnip.
How can I make my cat more vocal?
You can make your cat more vocal by talking to him more often and using a high-pitched and friendly voice. You can also respond to his sounds and mimic his noises. You can also reward him with some treats or praise when he makes a sound. You can also play with him or stimulate him with some toys or games.
How can I make my cat more silent?
You can make your cat more silent by ignoring his sounds and not rewarding him with any attention or treats. You can also provide him with some distractions, such as a toy, a game, or a puzzle. You can also make sure that he is not bored, hungry, or lonely, and that he has enough exercise and stimulation.